SPLAT! and the genesis of ENTROPY

Entropy is, according to The Oxford language dictionary, a “ lack of order or predictability ; gradual decline into disorder”

“What we imagine as order is just the prevailing form of chaos” - Kerry Thornley

Entropy is not only all around us, it’s intrinsic to our place in the universe. It’s arguably the natural order of things, the state of those things we haven't yet been able to place in some kind of order.

Although the Entropy series originated in an attempt to depict soggy pages post facial impact (Splat! 2021), it's meaning evolved during creation, and with the few subsequent pieces in the limited series.

The entropy series explores the process of seemingly random fluctuations from order that have variables of progressive form. Any flaw of line (unintended imperfection) is replicated in the sequential line to create a vertical form from lateral representation, in as far as a seed of entropy manifests itself through artistic representation of both time and space.

Yet the series really represents more- including the reverberations of events in a life, the far reaching consequences of seemingly small events, and the beauty of imperfection. The thing about entropy is it's relatable nature and the meaning we find in its decaying bones.

“In all disorder a secret order” - carl Jung


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